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Carat Médailles manufactures a wide range of high-quality decoration products to meet the specific needs of its customers.

Decorative medals and coins

Decorative medals have traditionally been awarded to individuals who have achieved excellence. In manufacturing of such medals, our experts are also called upon to perform at the highest level. Their craftsmanship is one of the key components in the shaping of precious metals and in achieving high quality finishes that will deliver decoration products that meet the highest standards.We are fortunate to have been selected to provide decorative medals to the Canadian military, a challenge we rise to on a regular basis, and an honor we cherish.

Commemorative coins have forever been used to highlight important events or accomplishments. Although more traditional as a medium, coins still attract a very demanding customer base, always looking for perfection in the flawless execution of designs. We pride ourselves as being one of the top coiners in our country. Our expertise combined with state-of-the-art equipment guarantee coins that meet the most exacting standards. Our satisfied customers continue to rely on our demonstrated skills to manufacture coins that compare with the best being brought to market.

Lapel pins

In recent decades, the explosion of the lapel pins phenomenon has been accompanied by a demand for higher quality products. Designs have become more imaginative and the search for quality finishes appears to know no boundary. Over the past 30 years, we have consistently met the needs of our ever-demanding customers. The quality of the millions of lapel pins manufactured in our plant has kept pace with the search for improvement and ranks amongst the best products brought to market. Our impressive list of long-standing, satisfied customers bears witness to our ability to meet or exceed expectations.


Key chains

Quality key chains continue to attract an ever-expanding customer base. As a promotional item, it has developed into a powerful tool. Designs are become more intricate and, combined with quality finishes, make this product a prized item for discriminating collectors.

We can handle any design and make use of any metal you may select in the manufacture of the quality key chain you are looking for. Contact our experts to discuss your needs and obtain their suggestions.

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